Monthly Registrations

This overview shows the new registrations of motor caravans and caravans in Germany.

December 2024: New caravan registrations up considerably

The caravan segment achieved a good result at the end of the year: with 741 new registrations, it recorded an increase of over 18 per cent. At 3,118 units, new motor caravan registrations in December were around 12 per cent below the very high level of 2023.

Overall, the German caravanning industry can look back on a successful year: with over 96,000 new registrations, a very good annual result was achieved. Detailed information and detailed market figures on the annual results can be found here:


Newly registered leisure vehicles in Germany

Tabelle schieben und gesamte Statistik sehen

2021 2022 2023 2024 Dif. %
Month December 623 794 624 741 +18,8
Calendar year January - December 24.718 24.478 21.896 21.674 -1,0
3 Months October 1.366 1.421 1.423 1.468 +3,2
November 1.024 1.153 1.097 1.126 +2,6
December 623 794 624 741 +18,8
Total 3.013 3.368 3.144 3.335 +6,1
2021/'222022/'232023/'242024/'25 Dif. %
Season September - December 4.8515.2864.8924.973 +1,7
12 Months January - December 24.718 24.478 21.896 21.674 -1,0
Tabelle schieben und gesamte Statistik sehen

Motor Caravans
2021 2022 2023 2024 Dif. %
Month December 3.618 2.679 3.544 3.118 -12,0
Calendar year January - December 81.420 66.507 68.469 74.718 +9,1
3 Months October 5.014 3.677 3.954 4.755 +20,3
November 4.248 3.250 3.595 3.799 +5,7
December 3.618 2.679 3.544 3.118 -12,0
Total 12.880 9.606 11.093 11.672 +5,2
2021/'222022/'232023/'242024/'25 Dif. %
Season September - December 17.84813.68915.50616.350 +5,4
12 Months January - December 81.420 66.507 68.469 74.718 +9,1

Newly registered leisure vehicles in Germany

Department of Statistics & Economics A core task of the Statistics and Economics Department is the comprehensive collection and analysis of European and German market data. Find out more
Worldwide Market Here you can get an overview of the global leisure vehicle market and its development Find out more
Becoming a Member Company The CIVD offers a range of services specially tailored to the member company`s needs. Find out more
Committees and Working Groups In the CIVD committees, experts from the member companies and the CIVD departments work on the sustainable design of the holiday form of caravanning. Find out more