
CIVD Scoops Two Prizes at media-V Awards

Press Release

The caravanning industry association CIVD can be pleased about two media-V awards. The Verbändereport, the leading trade magazine in the association world, awarded the image campaign “Caravaning. It's your time.” not only in the category “Best Moving Image Communication”. The CIVD also received a special prize for “Outstanding Creativity in Campaigning”.
The caravanning industry association has two reasons to celebrate: the CIVD won two of the coveted mediaV-Awards for its image campaign “Caravaning. It’s your time”. Not only did the industry association prevail in the category “Best Moving Image Communication”, it also received the special award for “Outstanding Creativity in Campaigning”. The award is presented by Verbändereport, the leading trade magazine in the association world. The award is considered the media prize for associations par excellence; more than 65 organisations submitted their projects. The jury of association experts and media professionals chose the CIVD campaign “among many, many good video submissions”. The selection was based on criteria such as addressing the target group, message, storytelling, high video quality, emotions and suspense. “The CIVD has produced a very professional campaign. Quality and storytelling are first class, emotions are stimulated across generations. The campaign is also strategically well thought-out and perfectly supports the member companies,” the laudation said. One of the reasons the jury gave for honouring the campaign with the special prize was that the association had used the Corona situation positively for its communication: “In addition to the timing, there is such good, emotional storytelling that manages to focus on the feeling of a holiday and to connect this holiday feeling with a motor caravan or caravan. The focus is not on the brand of a manufacturer, but on the desire to experience emotions with a(ny) motor caravan. The campaign remains in the memory because it has a distinctiveness in terms of content, design and visual language.” The jury’s conclusion: “The theme has been implemented in a modern, creative way with important longings that strike a nerve, especially in the Corona era.” Marc Dreckmeier, Director Marketing & PR at the CIVD, accepted the prizes at the festive award ceremony in Cologne’s Musical Dome: “The fact that caravanning has experienced a positive image change and is constantly attracting new customers is not least due to our image campaign. We are proud that our work has been honoured with these two great awards.”

Campaign shows uniqueness and multifacetedness of caravanning

With the image campaign, the caravanning industry strengthens the positive perception of the holiday form and encourages even more people to discover holidays with motor caravans and caravans for themselves. In 2018, the CIVD expert committee for public relations developed a campaign briefing that focused strongly on emotionality and authenticity. In the pitch, the concept of the Frankfurt-based creative agency Huth + Wenzel was the most convincing. The main advertising medium is moving images that take viewers on an individual journey through impressive landscapes. Likeable and candid actors experience unforgettable moments – from adventure to relaxation – that are only possible with a leisure vehicle. In this way, the multifaceted nature of the holiday form is captured. “Being able to shape your holiday flexibly and self-determined has never been as relevant as it was last year. The campaign motto “You can do everything. But you don’t have to.” perfectly sums up the unique selling proposition of caravanning. We are very pleased that the campaign’s strong impact on the industry and the association has been recognised with two awards,” says Andreas Liehr, Managing Director of Huth + Wenzel.

TV provides reach, young target groups are addressed digitally

Television is the medium of choice for achieving the greatest possible reach among target groups with an affinity for caravanning. The TV spots are broadcast in premium environments on public channels and in high-quality formats on private stations. The campaign is also staged in an attention-grabbing and authentic way on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. Newsletters and online advertising, which particularly appeals to younger people, round off the digital communication. All advertising measures lead to the information portal caravaning-info.de. It offers holiday inspiration and comprehensive tips for newcomers with exciting videos. Those who want to try out caravanning will find dealers and rental companies in their vicinity as well as all information on caravanning fairs. All digital measures are the responsibility of the digital agency Herren der Schöpfung from Frankfurt.

Successful cooperation in the industry – new campaign launched

The two mediaV-Awards join the already well-filled collection of titles of the CIVD. Last year, the campaign had won the renowned German Brand Award, previous campaigns had also received several awards. The fact that successful cooperation in the caravanning industry is by no means a matter of course is emphasised by CIVD Managing Director Daniel Onggowinarso: “Our more than 180 member companies are often competitors with partly different interests and ideas. Nevertheless, we manage to work together constructively on many issues. This sets us apart from many associations and is a guarantor for the wave of success on which our industry is surfing”. In addition, Onggowinarso praises the work of the “Frankfurt trio” of association and agencies: “Big thanks to our agencies, the production company, director Felipe Ascacibar, cast and crew for their strategic, creative and operational strength.” The CIVD will continue to rely on the well-coordinated team in the future. A new campaign was launched at the beginning of August, because “even the best advertising needs fresh impulses on a regularly,” says the association’s managing director.

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Marketing & Public Relations

Marc Dreckmeier
Director Marketing & PR


Jonathan Kuhn    
Manager Marketing & PR


Caravaning Industry Association e.V.

Hamburger Allee 14
60486 Frankfurt am Main