Caravanning Industry Association e.V.

The Caravanning Industry Association (CIVD) represents the interests of the industrial branch of the caravanning sector. Get to know which fields the association comprises.

Monthly Registrations This overview shows the new registrations of motor caravans and caravans in Germany. Find out more
Caravanning: A billion-euro engine for the German economy Record sales and regional strengthening - How the growing popularity of caravanning is driving tourism and local businesses. Find out more
Caravanning: The Most Affordable Way to Travel in Europe A recent study by the German Institute for Tourism Economics (dwif) reveals that caravaning offers travelers the best mix of cost savings, flexibility, and comfort. Find out more
Bodywork & vehicle manufacturing mechanic German caravanning industry is seeking qualified skilled workers. The specialized career path “caravan and motor caravan technology“ was inaugurated in Germany to meet this need. Find out more
Driving license reform The Council of the European Union and the European Parliament vote in favor of B driving licenses for motorhomes up to 4.25 t - a position welcomed by the Caravanning Industry Association. Find out more
Follow us on LinkedIn You can also find the latest information on the caravanning industry and the association's work on our LinkedIn channel. Find out more